Saturday, March 2, 2013

Our New Litter!

What a week!  It's been exhausting.  It's been long.

And that's just how I feel.
 I can't imagine how Sandy feels.

Many of you heard Sandy's story and the dramatic week we've had.

Someday, perhaps I'll post pictures of her experiences at the vet.

But today, I'm gonna keep it positive!

We are so happy to have these 8 puppies here with us!

They are doing so well!

My son has already started naming them.
But not all of them, this stuff takes time.

Some are very light and blonde, like Sandy.

Others are dark, like Huck.

This was a first for us...

Sandy's milk took a little longer than usual to come in.  We didn't hold it against her, she'd been through a lot.
While she recovered, we stepped in to keep the puppies fed.

It was a fun, nerve racking (or is it nerve-wracking ?),
exhausting experience.

But it was short lived.  Soon Sandy's milk came in and we were no longer needed.

The puppies got stronger.

They didn't whine as much.  They were tired.  We took that as a
good sign, as in they weren't hungry anymore.

Sandy rested, the puppies rested...and ate.
Everyone was improving!

The puppies slept more too!

And they grew...and continued to eat,

and eat,

and eat!

This morning, Sandy looked great, and she seemed

So at one week old, things are going very well!
And we are very thankful!

1 comment:

  1. maria
    I am so very happy for Sandy and her pups! She was lucky on alot of counts, but one major count was that she had you and the family to help look and watch over her. What good caregivers you are of your dogs and their pups. What better atmosphere could they be raised in, and you take such good care of their health and well-being by truly loving your dogs.
    I'm so very proud of you and the way you run your business. You are true advocates and models for ligitimate breeders . That's why your pups are so adjusted and ready for homes when the time comes. Hugs to all, Aunt Debbie
